IBM Books

Enhancements to Release 1.0 of the IBM 8371

ASRT Configuration Commands

The ASRT configuration commands allow you to create multiple bridge instances. You must adhere to the following criteria in order to configure multiple bridge instances:

Enter the ASRT configuration commands at the ASRT config> prompt. Access the commands as follows:

Table 1 shows the ASRT configuration commands.

Table 1. ASRT Configuration Command Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available).
 Add n  Adds one or more bridge instances. The parameter n specifies the number of bridge instances to be added. Up to 24 bridge instances may be configured.
 Bridge i  Accesses the detailed configuration menus for a particular bridge instance. The parameter i specifies the bridge instance to be configured. See Table 2 for a list of commands available for detailed configuration.
 Delete i  Deletes a specific bridge instance. The parameter i specifies the bridge instance to be deleted.
 List  Displays configuration information for all configured bridges or for a specific bridge instance.
 Netbios  Accesses the detailed configuration menus for NetBIOS filtering parameters that are applicable to all bridge instances in the switch. See "NetBIOS Configuration Commands" for a discussion of commands available at the NetBIOS command prompt.
Exit Returns you to the previous command level.

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